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Choosing your hair goals? Here’s how to do it right.

No two hair types are alike, which is why no two hair goals can be alike. This is why we,

at Ravel are super into getting to know your hair type as well as your preferred hair


Once you’re towards the end of taking up our unique product customisation quiz, you’re

required to select the top 5 goals you want for your precious tresses.

If you’re befuddled as to what goals you need to select for your hair type, here’s a low

down on what each and every hair goal at Ravel is, and what it can do for your hair.

1. Damage Repair: If you’ve been using a lot of heat on your hair, or have gotten

your hair chemically straightened, permed or crimped in the near past, your hair

is most likely to be damaged and may need some extra nutrients to seep in. This

goal is a good one to select if you have been exposed to Keratin, Smoothening

or Perming treatments once or more in the past.

2. Anti-Frizz: Who in the world likes dealing with frizz, right? Blessed are the ones

who have straight and smooth hair that don’t entertain frizz at any given time of

their lives. Well, for more than 80% of us, especially with curly or wavy hair, frizz

is a real issue, that seems to get worse if we style our hair. Dry and frizzy hair

needs essential oils and adequate moisturization. If you’re having to battle fizz

day-in and day-out, this is the goal for you.

3. Shine: With frizz and dryness comes dull and lifeless hair. If you’ve been wanting

that natural shine on your hair, it is essential to select this goal, because your

hair might just be asking for nourishment in the form of essential oils.

4. Hydrate: If there isn't adequate oil secretion from your scalp, or if you have

extremely dry hair naturally or due to any kind of heat application on a regular

basis, this goal is a must for you. A hydrated scalp doesn’t just support gorgeous

hair, but it also keeps them healthy.

5. Volumize: If you have a scanty hair structure, or your strands seem frail or

lifeless, you need to amp up that volume. If you’ve been experiencing a massive

hair fall or excessive hair thinning, additional volume will work wonders for your

hair health.

6. Anti-dandruff: Easy as A B C. If you have been struggling with dandruff, flakes

and an itchy scalp, it is important to get rid of it right away.

7. Anti-hair fall: No second guesses here. If you have had considerable hair fall due

to stress, hormonal changes, pregnancy or lack of nutrition, you can make up for

it by adding the right natural content to your hair.

8. Fix Split Ends: Once you’ve got split ends, there isn't a way to reverse the

damage done to the strands. But what can be done is that the potential split-ends

can be prevented. If you’re done with your strands divulging into separate

directions, this goal is for you.

9. UV Protection: Even though the sun is an excellent source of some Vitamin C, it

can really damage your hair when you’re exposed to it for longer durations. The

harmful UV rays of the sun can cause more damage to your hair than any other

heat-induced treatment on your hair. If you’re exposed to the sun for most of the

day, or if your hair often comes in direct contact with the sun, this goal might just

save your tresses.

10.Strengthen: Brittle hair has the tendency to break right through the middle. If

you’re experiencing a lot of hairfall, take a strand of your hair and tug it with both

hands in the opposite direction. If the strand breaks into two, this is not good

news for you. Your hair health needs attention, hence this goal.

11.Anti-ageing: Premature greying of hair can be caused due to physical, mental as

well as hereditary factors. If you’re experiencing this at a young age, this goal is

for you.

12.Nourish Roots: There are times when your roots might not be getting the

adequate nutrition they need, causing them to get weak and break out. Healthy

roots obviously mean healthy hair. Select this goal to get to the root of your hair


13.Soothe Scalp: Your scalp might get irritated with excessive application of heat,

repeated chemical treatments and even exposure to the sun. To avoid the

trauma to your scalp and ensure that it remains healthy with adequate nutrition,

this goal is for you.

14.Color Protection: If you have recently dyed your hair or if you’ve been dyeing

your greys for years now, this goal will not just protect your hair from any damage

caused by the color, but it also plays a part in maintaining the look and effect of

the color for a longer period of time.

15.Oil-Control: For some people, oily hair and an oily scalp can result in extremely

greasy hair in just a day or two after wash. To avoid an excessive build-up that

can hamper the nutrition-soaking capacity of your scalp, oil-control is a must check

16.Deep-Condition: When it comes to dry hair, scratching the surface while

conditioning is not enough. If you want that moisture to lock-into your hair and

stay there, deep-conditioning is the way to go.

17.Curl Definition: People with curly hair know their struggles too well. But having

curly hair is always a blessing when it comes to its gorgeous volume and its

good-looks. In order to ensure that your curl is defined and looks healthy, this

goal is for you.

Now that you know what each goal spells out for your hair, go ahead and select up to 5

of them, and complete your hair quiz for a set of customised hair care products crafted

with love, by Ravel.


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